Burb Rocking
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
  Save The 4400!

Mass-mailing deadline for Save-The-4400 was Feb. 20, but never say never. Still not too late to apply some pressure.

This fan is rather out-of-the-loop ― just learned of this recently: The 4400 has been cancelled just as it was moving toward some sort of final resolution. As another fan out there has put it, this show was Heroes before there was a Heroes series. And that's true. To be fair, though, it's also true that The X-Men ― not-so-subtly addressing current prejudices and social conflicts with its battle for mutant rights versus mutant oppression or extermination ― was The 4400 before anyone ever got the cool idea of abductees taken recently and long ago returned to Earth in the present-day. (And that idea also has obvious earlier antecedents; i.e., Spielberg's Close Encounters of The Third Kind). Only these abductees have been enhanced with one signifigant alteration: Each of the 4400 discovers he or she has a strange and unexpected "ability" or superpower.

The writers and creators of The 4400 show didn't stop there. They also borrowed a page out of Chris Carter's book by pairing up a diminutive redhead and a gentleman of Eastern European descent as a law enforcement team charged with investigating the paranormal phenomenon known as "the 4400" ― can we say Mulder and Scully? So The 4400 had it all, and had it going on. (See Why the USA Network should renew the 4400 for more on the coolness of The 4400.)

Links to information about the campaign to save this show:

4400 fans plant seeds of renewal at USA by Tim Surette (TV.com)

SAVE 4400!!! (USA Network Forums)

The idea is this: Send a polite note to the address below, and include one or more sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds? Yes, sunflower seeds. Take a look at Surette's article if you're wondering why. The address:

Bonnie Hammer
30 Rockefeller Plaza
21st Floor
New York
NY 10112

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