Burb Rocking
Monday, September 25, 2006
  Clinton Hot, Cheney Not?
Clinton versus Wallace with Bob Kerrey

Bill Clinton has a temper? Yep. So does Bush, of course. So does Cheney.

Remember Cheney? Always quick on the draw with a clever retort (like this one).

I suppose the difference is that when Clinton gets hot, it's when he's falsely accused of ignoring the threat posed by Osama bin Laden. When Cheney unloads, it's only after being confronted about throwing no-bid "War on Terror" government contract money at Halliburton. Clinton loses his cool over something minor like the smirking and misplaced insinuations that the September 11th attacks are his fault. Cheney at least blows his top over something we should all be able to understand. Hearing about how the billion-dollar spigot has been turned on for Halliburton even once is still one time too many.

Besides, it's safer to provoke Clinton. Rile him up, and the most you have to worry about is him pointing a finger at you, telling you - politely, but firmly - to knock it off.

With Cheney, of course, it's another story. Remember? Quick on the draw? Unloads? Hunting season?

Letterman: Cheney Shooting Press Conference

(There's even a jailhouse ballad to remind us that Cheney doesn't play by civilized rules - a sportsman, not a gentleman.)
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