Burb Rocking
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
  She's alive and well
Sio has arrived safely (although belatedly - her flight was delayed by over 2 hours) in London. She is at my friend's house, with a cup of tea, enjoying the rain*.

*I've been to England twice, and both times I did not witness much of the wet weather England is famous for. The first time, I was there 10 days and it rained once for about an hour in the afternoon. The second time, we were there a week, and although it did get gray one day, we mostly had sunny days with temps in the upper 60's (fahrenheit). This was in February. I think the people of England should sponsor me for an annual trip because I seem to bring nice weather with me.

On the other hand, and Tree can vouch for this - DO NOT take me camping. There will be rain and thunder and lightning and flooding of tents, and quite possibly, a disgusting bathroom at the campground. Camping + Maurinsky = a miserable vacation.
I just got an email from my friend - she says she wants to adopt Sio.
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