Burb Rocking
Monday, July 25, 2005
  Fitness Quest 2005
I am once again trying to lose weight and get fit. I joined Weight Watchers, which has been going really well, I've lost 21 lbs since the beginning of April, and I plan to stick with it, even though this week I will likely gain because I ate half a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream on Saturday. Light ice cream, but still.

The fitness part is always harder for me. My crappy hip means I can't run or jog, and even walking is painful. But there is always swimming. So I'm working on increasing my fitness through swimming. I will be adding weight training when I find my weights*.

I swim laps at Globe Hollow, and I've worked my way up to 4 laps, which is 400 meters (50 meters each way) or 8 full pool lengths (the average pool is 25 meters). Yes, I'm out of shape, but I'm improving already. When I feel comfortable doing the 4 laps, I'll try for 6, and so on.

Wish me luck!

*I live in complete chaos.
One of my goals is to choose foods that give something to me - I'll go for something that's high in fiber or protein before I go for something that's light or fat free.

And thanks for the compliment, Tree. I think John might agree with your assessment.
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