Burb Rocking
Sunday, November 26, 2006
  Democrats ARE The Pick of Destiny!
There you go. My comment on the midterm midtacular meltdown we just survived. If the Lieberman primary loss was the most closely watched primary race in US history, this may well have been the most closely watched cycle of midterm elections in US history. Perhaps at some point a comment will be forthcoming on that. For now, I'll just say this: "Hillary, Obama, some advice: Watch your ass!" Because GOP now stands for "God-afeared Outrageously Pissed" Republicans. I'd like to say, "Should've saved the big win for 2008," but that would be unfair. You win when you can win. And let the lobbying dollars fall where they may.

Right now, though, this is the opening weekend for Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny. (You know, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny?) Hope to see it sometime today. Meanwhile, kind of in honor of the diabolical duo:

MTV Parody - Spiderman

(Hey, the month's almost over. Have some stuff cooking on the back burner about Dante's Inferno, the rebirth of a dictatorship in Russia, the probably-short-lived lifespan of The New American Century, the mysterious "red rain" from space in India, James Bond, the nature of Evil, smooth sailing in Iraq, George Bush I's "new world order," and cetera. But, as it's unlikely any of that will ever be posted here, it seemed like a good idea to get at least one more post in before the month closes down. Travel advice for those who may be visiting London sometime in the near future: avoid the sushi!)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
  Midterm Election Rock?
From The Daily Show's Indecision 2006 Midterm Midtacular, courtesy of J. J. Sedelmaier Productions...

The Daily Show Rocks


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Location: Springfield, Best Part of the Country, United States

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